
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
63: Eugene Film Making Community // Mike Schwab
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Mike Schwab is one of the founders of the Eugene filmmakers community. He comes on the show to talk shop.
If anyone wants to connect into the Eugene filmmakers community, reach out through their Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/349066942564845/
To people not living in Eugene, sorry for the influx of area specific shows recently. Upcoming episodes will resume being area nonspecific.
(Ignore this: I've started to wonder if people searching for this show end up googling Talks with Tiger or Tiger Talks, so I'm throwing this sentence in the description to catch anyone who spells my name Tiger instead of tiger with a y. So if you tell anyone about Talks with tiger, make sure they know it's spelled tiger not tyger. tiger talks. talks with tiger :) )

Sunday Feb 23, 2020
62: Colombia, Ibogaine, and Meditation // Stewart Alsop III
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Stewart Alsop is a San Francisco-based entrepreneur and consultant that does work with companies and individuals to remove blockages from stress and uncover the natural creativity that guides us to our purpose here in life. He has developed programs for companies like Meow Wolf to help executives and managers find the Goldilocks zone between too much and too little stress. In that zone, lies the most creative force imaginable which is sustainable and evergreen For the last two years, he has interviewed high performers like Olympic Gold Medal Winner Julia Dujomvits and successful entrepreneurs like Keith Rabois, Bill Tai. The interviews were about the relationship between stress and creativity. After over 70 interviews like this, Stewart has chiseled out the most practical steps forward and organized them into a playbook for enhanced creativity with just the right amount of stress. He also draws from the latest research in neuroscience as well as a 15-year practice of Yoga to solidify these learnings.
[Remote Podcast] This is a dual interview where we recorded one episode together to release on both of our podcasts.
Reach out to Stewart through Twitter: https://twitter.com/StewartalsopIII
And listen to his podcast, Crazy Wisdom: https://plinkhq.com/i/1354589767

Friday Feb 21, 2020
61: Running For City Council // Tim Morris
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Tim Morris is a motivated individual who has started up multiple nonprofits, works in the substance rehabilitation field, and is running for local politics. Specifically, Tim is running for Eugene City Council to help work toward fixing the housing crisis, environmental sustainability, and stronger social support systems.
Tim comes on the show to speak about his campaign along with personal life experiences.
Reach out, learn more, and support Time at: https://www.friendsoftimmorris.com/

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
60: How To Rig Online Dating // Aaron Smith
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Aaron Smith created the dating app Singularity where he is the only guy that women can match with. His joke was covered by dozens of news sited and promo video got over 100k views. He comes on the show to talk about ideas for his next venture along with his take regarding online dating.
Check out his app at: https://www.singularitydating.com/mobile_only.html
And watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wWkAHOph6A
(Ignore this: I've started to wonder if people searching for this show end up googling Talks with Tiger or Tiger Talks, so I'm throwing this sentence in the description to catch anyone who spells my name Tiger instead of tiger with a y. So if you tell anyone about Talks with tiger, make sure they know it's spelled tiger not tyger. tiger talks. talks with tiger. "Talks with Tiger" or "Talks with Tyger" no matter how you spell it I love that you are listening. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the content!)

Monday Feb 17, 2020
59: Latinx Culture in Oregon // Ashley Espinoza
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Ashley Espinoza is a leader in the Oregon Latinx community. She comes on the show to speak about issues and initiatives she's working on along with the future potential of Oregon, and what's standing in the way of getting there.
(Ignore this: I've started to wonder if people searching for this show end up googling Talks with Tiger or Tiger Talks, so I'm throwing this sentence in the description to catch anyone who spells my name Tiger instead of tiger with a y. So if you tell anyone about Talks with tiger, make sure they know it's spelled tiger not tyger. tiger talks. talks with tiger :) )

Saturday Feb 15, 2020
58: Bitcoin Sounds Like A Scam // Jeremy Cummings
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Jeremy Cummings is the founder of Dirtball and it's parent company Snak Tak where he makes food that aims to fight global depression by promoting a healthy diet, strong communities, and connections to nature. Jeremy comes on the show to talk about cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, and what he thinks about the future of them.
Reach out to Jeremy through his site: https://www.snaktak.com/
(Ignore this: I've started to wonder if people searching for this show end up googling Talks with Tiger or Tiger Talks, so I'm throwing this sentence in the description to catch anyone who spells my name Tiger instead of tiger with a y. So if you tell anyone about Talks with tiger, make sure they know it's spelled tiger not tyger. tiger talks. talks with tiger. "Talks with Tiger" or "Talks with Tyger" no matter how you spell it I love that you are listening. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the content!)

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
57: Wikipedia's Got Your Back // Dexter Sorenson
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Dexter is the host of Dexplanations, a podcast where he explains a wikipedia article to a friend every week. He comes on the show to talk about his experience podcasting along with some of his favorite topics he's done shows about!
Reach out to Dexter through Twitter: https://twitter.com/dexplanations And check out his show, Dexplanations on all podcast platforms.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
56: Starcraft Is The Okayest Video Game // Falcon Paladin
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Falcon Paladin is a professional Starcraft caster! He comes on the show and we talk about video game stuff along with just some casual conversation.
This is my first video show, sort of a test to see if the conversation feels the same and how the audio quality is. I think I'll do a few more remote episodes in the future to try other things out, but the slight delay makes a world of difference in conversation so I'll primarily stick to in-person unless it's a wild opportunity.
See some professional starcraft games and watch Falcon Paladin's work here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB73iJpB6hhq99IOM4aqX_Q
(Ignore this: I've started to wonder if people searching for this show end up googling Talks with Tiger or Tiger Talks, so I'm throwing this sentence in the description to catch anyone who spells my name Tiger instead of tiger with a y. So if you tell anyone about Talks with tiger, make sure they know it's spelled tiger not tyger. tiger talks. talks with tiger. "Talks with Tiger" or "Talks with Tyger" no matter how you spell it I love that you are listening. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the content!)

Sunday Feb 09, 2020
55: Creation & Destruction // Aaron Thompson
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Aaron Thompson is an elite boxer and growing artist. He comes on the show to talk about his experience fighting as well as the longterm goal of animating films and comics.
Reach out to Aaron through Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a_aronthompson/
(Ignore this: I've started to wonder if people searching for this show end up googling Talks with Tiger or Tiger Talks, so I'm throwing this sentence in the description to catch anyone who spells my name Tiger instead of tiger with a y. So if you tell anyone about Talks with tiger, make sure they know it's spelled tiger not tyger. tiger talks. talks with tiger. "Talks with Tiger" or "Talks with Tyger" no matter how you spell it I love that you are listening. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the content!)

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
54: Who Are You? // Tyler Dones
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Tyler C. Dones is a fellow podcaster and host of Being This Person. We spoke about all the things that make people similar and different from each other. The focus of his show is finding the similarity that unites us all, and I did not expect it, and still on the fence if I agree!
After our conversation, I recorded an episode for his show which you can listen to on his website and all podcast apps by searching Being This Person: https://www.beingthisperson.com/
Surveymonkey if you've got 2-3 minutes for feedback: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PVM9D6D
(Ignore this: I've started to wonder if people searching for this show end up googling Talks with Tiger or Tiger Talks, so I'm throwing this sentence in the description to catch anyone who spells my name Tiger instead of tiger with a y. So if you tell anyone about Talks with tiger, make sure they know it's spelled tiger not tyger. tiger talks. talks with tiger. "Talks with Tiger" or "Talks with Tyger" no matter how you spell it I love that you are listening. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the content!)